Friday, May 18, 2012

does this speak to how much our club has fallen in stature?

I think it does. Bring benitez back or take a chance on Capello or AVB.
I do not think we can aim any higher. If I was Guardiola I do not think I would take the Liverpool challenge. Wait until we are back in the CL. With FSG's investment eventually we should muster that much improvement regardless of who is manager.
Clearly they did not have a manager ready therefore they should have kept Kenny in charge. He is a man that would do that for the club and would probably even agree that after a season where his team has underachieved in the league, despite many good performances, all he can expect when he is at a top club is to do at least that.
He has made a few mistakes in his reign. Even he will admit that. Henderson in wrong position, Spearing playing too much and not playing Carroll enough to get fit and match ready alongside Suarez has been some of his mistakes. Playing Carragher too much has been another along with not giving Maxi enough playing time when we were struggling for goals. Therefore he might have just stuck around if they couldnt find someone that was clearly better. Martinez and arguably Brendan rogers are not title winning managers and yet we are interviewing them.
I am not sure that is a good idea.... when kenny could turn out to be just as good again if given time.

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