Sunday, January 1, 2012

Re: BBC Sport - Football Association report says Luis Suarez evidence 'unreliable'

Ah, Gunnar, you must take off your Liverpool glasses when reading. Suarez got what he deserved for using racist language. "Swearing" is nothing like racism. What I would like to see is that empty head Dalglish get 10 games. The fact that he knew all of the below and let his players wear shirts in support of Suarez is despicable. He was a great player and a mediocre manager, but he has the IQ of a 12 year old.

------Original Message------
From: Stian Andersen
To: My blog
Cc: Brad Linn
Cc: Jose Manuel Rodriguez
Cc: Andrew Milne
Cc: Fredrik Ekerhovd
ReplyTo: Stian Andersen
Subject: BBC Sport - Football Association report says Luis Suarez evidence 'unreliable'
Sent: Jan 1, 2012 3:02 AM

I have just read through this article from BBC and in my opinion neither Suarez nor Evra acted admirably in the argument. What I am left with after reading quite a bit on this story is this: 8 games is to much when both were clearly in the wrong.

Lastly I would ask people that objective in the matter this; is it ok to talk derogatory about someone's sister more than talk derogatory about someone's backround or colour of skin?

Both should be punished and consistency in punishment of these offences is key if you are going to start dealing with them. The same goes for for swearing which is a much bigger problem in English football and should be dealt with along with these other issues.

The fact is trash talking has gone on for long periods of time and to crack down on unreasonable trash talk is hard to do because it becomes a he said, she said kind of game...

FA unfortunately got this wrong but I would suggest both should be punished an equal number of games.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Andrew Milne
Vice President, National Accounts
Standard Life Investments

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