Sunday, February 13, 2011

Further thoughts on Signings, Reina staying and what needs to happen to take us back in top4. this is excellent news. Was starting to worry for a second. Yesterday btw proved why we need a winger that can go past someone. For exmaple Nzogbia, Matt Phillips at Blackpool or even that Eljero Elia would be brilliant in my opinion.

We just lack top 4 players at the moment. It comes back to what I have mentioned previously. A winger that can pass someone (maxi is ok but not top quality like United has on its wings in Nani or Giggs) Arsenal has Nasri, Walcott, Arshavin, that all can play well on the wing and go past a man... who do we have.

I know at times Maxi drifts inside and could do better but I just think we can improve in that area. Other signings I would like to see at Liverpool that we could pick up for a bit of a bargain is Shaun Wright Phillips. He looked terrific against United and wont get a game when Adam Johnson comes back. Another one we could go for if we want more of a goal scorer in the middle of the park is 1) Wesley Sneider at Inter - It would cost quite a bit but would be well worth it as he is top class.
2) Clint Dempsey

3) Essien (yes expensive but if we they steal players from us why shouldnt we do the same from them. Imagine if we could beat them to 4th place this season. I think almost a win from all the remaining games are needed.


1) Benzema. if we really want to show intent then sign Benzema from Real. Imagine having 3 real good strikers and lend Ngog out to West brom or some team in the championship so he can improve.


2) sign Martin Patterson from Burnley... you say who.. .I say Burnley's top goal scorer when they got promoted to the EPL. he has got a terrific cross on him, can beat a guy and can play both winger and striker but is a completely different player from the guys we have (Kuyt, Carooll and Suarez). If you watched some of the games when Owen Coyle trained Burnley he was one of their most talented players.


I think we should pick up Samba as well. I have mentioned that as well. Imagine having him and Carroll in the box at the end when we need the wigan game... or any other game late.

We get a size advantage and he has got pace and ability to lead as well (Captain at Blackburn for the past 8 months at least). Carra is on a downhill trajectory and despite probably being able to play 15 games a year we should not rely on Carra at the back. It is like Scholes and Giggs at United.

We should have Carra and Gerrard eventually like that. Our heroes that can go on with calm heads in the huge games (maybe even Carra will need to be moved higher up the pitch in time) due to lack of pace).

But like against Chelsea in the other game Carra could play in that holding role in front of the Sweepers that Agger picked up a while back. Carra has developed his passing ability at least with the one foot.

Most of the time though it is time for Carra to move on and get someone young, up and coming and have him around the place as a motivator, organizer and a man to teach the young players a thing or two about the Liverpool way, how to train hard and how to go and win games even if you have a weaker team sheet at the outset.

Our defence is not terrible but we are also lacking at left back although having Glen Johnson, Martin Kelly and Aurelio as our left back options is not terrible. Carra has also showed he can do a job there.

My first priority for strengthening would be
1) Winger that can pass people. (we could do with two wingers although Kuyt is a decent hard working defensive winger)

2) Samba - our a top class central defender. (Gary Cahill could be another option in this position)
btw where were we when Derek Weather was snapped up for a cut price deal by bolton.

3) Central midfielder (Charlie Adam has been mentioned, Scott Parker is another leader that would be awesome to sign, both have better passing, more pace and more prowess than young Lucas although he is slowly improving. He is just lacking too much pace and that is going to hurt him with regards to becoming a top 4 player). If we want goals Client Dempsey or Wesley Sneider would be the best signings we could make. Another option and probably the cheapest is to give Jonjo more chances for Lucas. Think he is a terrific box to box midfielder talent that could develop into a better player than Lucas as well with his ability and his well developed physique.

Anyway, that was my rant for the day. Probably never would have come out if Suarez would have stuck one of those shots in the next instead of the post last night.

I would keep giving him the chance on free kicks as well from the edge of the box. He clearly knows what he is doing. He had a terrific game yesterday and was probably our best player.


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