Friday, December 31, 2010

Hodgson staying put for now

As any other fan out there I am sure you will understand I am not happy with Hodgson's effect on the team thus far.

As opposed to most liverpool fans out there I do not think chopping and changing things would make it any better. I do not think Martin O'Neill would be the right solution.

Personally I would prefer if Roy was given a proper transfer kitty this Jan and signed well. (Christopher Samba, Mario Gomez (assuming he is still available) and Scott Parker would be teh guys I would go for. If you could get Samba and Parker to start with that would significantly improve the team.

Then in the summer we should start spending big money.

Looks like we do not have interest for any of them however. Instead we are trying to go for unproven premiership players. I do not think that is the way to go.



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